Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Plumb-Line

Sermon July 14, 2013 on Amos 7:7-17.  Where are the prophets (the truth tellers) today?  Who will speak the word of truth to God's people?  What measure are we to look to as the standard, the plumb-line for our actions?


Ever feel like you just don't quite fit into your role in church or in the work of God?  I bet you aren't the first to feel this way.  Sunday, July 7, 2013, we looked at the story of Elijah and Elisha found in 2 Kings 2:1-14.

Caring for Creation

We are instructed to be caretakers of God's creation.  The Lorax, in Dr. Suess's loveable story, speaks for the trees, can we who are in the image of the creator do any less?
On Sunday, June 23, 2013 we look at
Genesis 1:26 and Isaiah 24:4-6 as we seek to care for creation.

Movie clips are from The Lorax (Universal Pictures, 2012)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Odd Life of Fatherhood

Today's fathers can learn a great deal about fatherhood from the prodigal father.  We may think of the parable found at Luke 15:11-32 as the parable of the prodigal son, but the father's love in this story is lavish.  On Father's Day, June 16, 2013, we look at what this parable can teach us about the odd life of fatherhood.

Movie clips are from The Odd Life of Timothy Green (Walt Disney Pictures, 2012)

Change of Heart

Paul in Galatians 1:11-24 wants to be certain that they do not contribute the change in his life to any human or even his own works, but he is transformed through Christ.  Even someone as despicable as Saul, can be transformed into Paul.  In the sermon June 9, 2013 we hear more.

Movies clips are from Despicable Me (Universal Pictures, 2010)