Monday, October 14, 2013

1 out of 10

Sermon Sunday, October 13, 2013 on the scripture text Luke 17:11-19.  There were ten lepers--one came back to say thank you.  How is your attitude of gratitude?

Increase our Faith

Sermon October 6, 2013, World Communion Sunday, on the scripture text Luke 17:5-10.  Mustard seed faith seems so unattainable, but is it really?

I Wish You Enough

Sermon Sunday, September 29, 2013, on the scripture text 1 Timothy 6:6-19. We always want all the good things in life, but if we got them, would we really appreciate them?

Faithful or Dishonest?

Sermon Sunday, September 22, 2013, on the text Luke 16:1-13, the parable of the dishonest manager.  In this parable it sounds like Jesus is telling his disciples that they should deal with people dishonestly.  Is that what it is really saying?